Detox Me Tuesday Approved Feminine Care Brand

Detox Me Tuesday Approved Feminine Care Brand

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This is the most simple switch you can make! Just like the ingredients in your lotion or blush are not regulated, the ingredients in your tampons and pads are not regulated either. This means that they can contain chlorine, bleach, dyes, dioxins (as a result of the bleaching process) and synthetic fragrances.

One important note on switching to safer feminine care: prioritize this for young girls. Their reproductive systems are developing rapidly, which makes them more susceptible to negative impact from nasty ingredients in feminine care products.

What to look for? 100% Organic Cotton tampons only! Using organic cotton means that it has not been treated with pesticides. Also, some that are not 100% Organic Cotton include rayon which is often treated with dyes and chlorine. Below are links to the ones in the graphic above.

T.O.P. (The Organic Project)


Cora - Use code DETOXMETUESDAY for 15% off

This is L.





Seventh Generation


Honeypot - Can’t believe I forgot this one from the list above. I thought they were only feminine wash (which I have used and love!)

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